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Picture Books on Amazon: Best Children's Books of All Time - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985

Guess How Much I Love You《猜猜我有多愛你

Little Nutbrown Hare attempt to show his daddy how much his love for him. He claims that his love to his father is as wide as he can reach and as far as he can hop. And Big Nutbrown Hare shows his son that he loves him as much as he does…Amazon Link 


初版發行日期: 1994 年
作者: 山姆·麥布蘭特迪
插圖畫家: 安妮塔·傑拉姆
出版商: Walker Books, Candlewick Press
類型: 兒童文學

The Wonderful Things You Will Be

The picture book depicts the acceptance and beautiful love that parents have for their children now and forever! The book renders a loving message and connection between parents and kids.

by Emily Winfield Martin

publication date:  August 25, 2015

*The New York Times bestseller 

Margaret W. Lavigne: I love the sentence -” When you were too small to tell me hello, I knew you were someone I wanted to know.” 


Amazon link

We Are the Gardeners

The children’s book chronicle the adventures of how the family builds their own garden. The story tells the kids that it’s never easy to try something new, but hard work often yields great reward that we learn from failed endeavors and our determination grow as we overcome obstacles one after another. And there are always lessons to learn in the garden. Significantly, their family love thrives and blossom as they make the garden into a  beautiful garden.



publication date: March 26, 2019

Author: Joanna Gaines 

Illustrator:Julianna Swaney


Llama llama red pajama《穿紅睡衣的駝拉瑪

Tucked into bed by his mother, Baby Llama starts to fret because Baby Llama is afraid of losing his mom. When his mom goes downstairs, his emotions go out of control because he wonders whether his mom will come back or not.  Amazon Link 


初版發行日期: 2005 年 
作者: 安娜·多德尼
插圖畫家: 安娜·多德尼
續作: Llama Llama Mad at Mama

Where the Wild Things Are 《Chinese Edition: 野獸家園》

It is the story of a little boy named Max. After his mother sends him to bed without supper, Max falls asleep and his room is transformed into a forest surrounded by a vast ocean. This children’s book consists of only  338 words but the storyline is so much different from other stories.  That’s why it gets popularity for decades. 


是作家莫里斯·桑達克1963年出版的兒童文學作品,2009年被改編成電影《野獸冒險樂園》。 銷售量達到1900萬本,單單美國的銷售量便高達一千萬本。 

初版發行日期: 1963 年 4 月 9 日
作者: 莫里斯·桑達克
插圖畫家: 莫里斯·桑達克
獲獎紀錄: 凱迪克獎
類型: 兒童文學, 繪本

Blueberries for Sal

The book was awarded the Caldecott Honor in 1949.

Little Sal’s mother takes her to pick berries. Sal and her mother was concentrating on picking the berries and they gradually get separated on the hill unconsciously. Meanwhile, a mother bear and her cub also come to Blueberry Hill for the winter. Little Sal’s mother tells her kid that they can’t eat all the berries because they need to save them for the winter, and the bear mother tells her kid to eat as much as possible to store up fat for winter….


Without any reason, Sal and the bear cub follow after the wrong mother. The mothers didn’t notice that they’re being followed by the wrong child until the bear cub tries to eat berries from Sal’s mother’s bucket. Ultimately, they reunited with their moms.

 author: 羅伯特·麥克洛斯基( Robert McCloskey)

初版發行日期: 1948 年
文字和插畫: 羅伯特·麥克洛斯基
出版商: 維京出版社( The Viking Press)

獲獎紀錄: 凱迪克獎 # The book was adapted as a short film in 1967 by Weston Woods, narrated by Owen Jordan.


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