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Noninvasive laser therapy | 幹細胞讓蛀牙再生! - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985





根管治療根除牙髓和發炎的細胞,再灌入如橡膠似的填充物馬來膠(gutta percha),以封閉根管內空間,最後於牙齒開口補上樹脂再套上牙套保護,防止牙齒斷裂。上述治療方法都是靠外力將牙齒受傷部分移除,牙齒本身恐變得相對脆弱。




據羅徹斯特大學醫學中心(University of Rochester Medical Center)所發表的資料,幹細胞主要分為胚胎幹細胞(embryonic stem cells)及成體幹細胞(adult stem cells)兩大種類。


Can stem cells regenerate teeth? Can stem cells repair teeth? Is it possible to grow new teeth with stem cells?
A series of studies prove that stem cells have the potential to regrow tooth tissue,  which could provide an effective, natural alternative to fillings. (Reference: No more fillings – tooth cavities can be repaired by stem cells.) 

Scientists at King’s College London found that by plugging a cavity with an organic collagen sponge containing small amounts of a chemical know as GSK-3, they are able to protect the tooth from infection whilst giving the stem cells time to regrow the damaged tissue. (Reference: Promotion of natural tooth repair by small molecule GSK3 antagonists) 

Scientists used low-power light to trigger stem cells regenerating tissue. The research lays the foundation for restorative dentistry and regenerative medicine, such as wound healing and bone regeneration. 

Stem cell dental implants could grow new teeth In 2 months.  A research conducted by the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory of Dr. Jeremy Mao, Edward V. Zegarelli Professor of Dental Medicine, and a professor of biomedical engineering at Columbia University, believe that the body’s stem cells migrate to a three-dimensional scaffold made of natural material and placed in a patient’s mouth. In a nutshell, they believe that they could build a tooth much like you build a structure. The research was published in the Journal of Dental Research (JADA) in 2010. 

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#growth factor # dental stem cells


2018年八月刊登在《科學轉化醫學(Science Translational Medicine)》的研究宣布,乳牙的幹細胞能讓受傷的牙齒再生,即蛀牙有重生的機會。



#stem cell research # tooth loss # tissue ingrowth# growth factors # endogenous cells (中文:內源性細胞)


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