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電影《婚禮冤家》(Destination Wedding ):「悲傷會改變它的形貌」 - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985

電影《婚禮冤家》(Destination Wedding ):「悲傷會改變它的形貌」


不少友情走著走著,轉個彎卻擦出絕佳化學反應。被媒體封為男神「基哥」的基努李維(Keanu Reeves)與薇諾娜瑞德(Winona Ryder)4度合作,在電影《婚禮冤家》(Destination Wedding )上演長達親密關係。據了解,基努李維與薇諾娜25年前首度合作,在《吸血鬼:真愛不死》飾演夫妻,陸續合拍《心機掃描》、《她的私密日記》。拍親密戲,薇諾娜說說基努扭扭捏捏,還讓她得主動索吻。


What does destination wedding mean?

A destination wedding is any wedding in which the engaged couple and/or a majority of their guests travel to attend the wedding ceremony. The distance travel ranges from a few-hour-drive to days of flying. As reported, celebrities or socialites prefer destination weddings. Consequently, destination weddings have been enormously popular over these years. The bride and groom plan to celebrate their marriage where is far away from home by selecting a location which has a special meaning for them or somewhere they can enjoy more fun and adventure with highly guarded-privacy, such as an exotic country. It could be anywhere which fit their preference. Thus, destination wedding usually cost higher budget by including lodging and flying ticket from sure.



movie quote 

Frank: Destination wedding is presumptuous. They’re in a fool’s paradise.
Lindsay: Don’t you believe there’s someone for everyone?
Frank: Close. I believe that there’s nobody for anyone.


Frank: I don’t understand how even after Keith did what he did to you, you can possibly still be mooning over him.
Lindsay: Because you’re a monkey who doesn’t understand the human condition.
Frank: Having met you I understand why it’s a condition.


Lindsay: You know, I’m not wearing anything under my pajamas.
Frank: Why would you, they’re so alluring.



Lost in translation 愛情不用翻譯 (2003)

劇情提要: 一對有年齡差的男女在日本東京相遇….



“His Girl Friday” 女友禮拜五 (1940)
“Casablanca” 北非諜影 (1942)
“Letter From an Unknown Woman” 一位陌生女子的來信(1948)
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” 第凡妮早餐 (1961)
“Harold and Maude” (1971) 哈洛與茂德
“Annie Hall” 安妮霍爾(1977)
“When Harry Met Sally” 當哈利遇上莎莉(1989)
“Ghost” 第六感生死戀(1990)
“Sleepless in Seattle”西雅圖夜未眠 (1993)
“The Notebook” 手札情緣 (2004)

派特的幸福劇本 Silver Linings Playbook(2012)

真愛挑日子One Day 

征服情海 Jerry Maguire (1996)



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