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「世界無翅宣言」鯊魚被驚悚電影汙名化了.... - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985



據悉,魚翅控讓每年 7300 萬鯊魚喪命。據國際保育組織「WildAid 野生救援」2018 年的一項調查, 過去3年內吃過魚翅的國人高達70%。由於鯊肉的市場價值不高,許多不肖業者會選擇「只取魚鰭、棄置魚身」。


Do sharks eat humans?

Sharks evolved millions of years before humans existed, which explains humans are not part of their normal diets. In marine ecosystems, sharks are opportunistic feeders, but most sharks primarily feed on smaller fish and invertebrates.[1]

Sharks would rather feed on fish and marine mammals than human beings. In general, sharks do not eat humans and they rarely ever attack humans. In fact, humans do not provide enough high-fat meat for sharks. 

In the movies, Sharks have been known to attack humans out of hunger. In reality, if a shark sees a human splashing in the water, the accidental attack is essentially based on confusion or curiosity.

Instead, we human beings hunt sharks for their meat, internal organs, and skin and make products such as shark fin soup, lubricants, and leather. Nowadays, overfishing threatens some shark populations.


[1] 無脊椎動物

According to the expert, we should not eat Shark, Swordfish, King Mackerel, or Tilefish because they contain high levels of mercury. (Reference

Why Don’t Aquarium Sharks Eat the Other Fish?

社群網站「痞客邦」響應「沒有買賣,就沒有殺害」理念,加入「世界無翅宣言」連署企業行列,並舉辦線上活動, 希望透過社群媒體的力量,喚起大眾對於海洋保育的重視 。


痞客邦應「WildAid 野生救援」邀請,PIXNET 執行長周守珍日前拍攝公益宣傳影片,呼籲大眾一同響應:「沒有買賣,就沒有殺害!請跟我們共同守護鯊魚,拒吃魚翅。」周守珍表示:「不吃魚翅,也不以魚翅宴請他人,你我日常就可以做到,最重要的是, 避免無數的鯊魚因口腹之欲而白白喪命,進而守護海洋生態 。這樣的理念,獲得許多部落客、網友的認同,也願意推廣給更多親友了解。」



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