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Death of Adolf Hitler 希特勒的死亡... - Wise Library 1985




29日柏林戰況已經接近了尾聲,在另一半的要求下,希特勒和戀人在防空洞裡舉行婚禮。30日,希特勒用自己最喜愛的狗( Blondi)做了自殺實驗。同時讓自己的秘書吞下毒藥。






阿道夫·希特勒被認為是人類歷史上最惡名昭著的人物之一。這位德國獨裁者進軍波蘭引發了第二次世界大戰,逾5000萬人因此喪命,家庭分崩離析!他於1945年在柏林自殺身亡。據傳他用手槍在自己的辦公室開槍自殺。新婚僅一天的妻子伊娃·布勞恩(Eva Braun)也在一旁服用氰化物自殺。


一項研究中,法國科學家分析了希特勒的牙齒碎片,證明他於1945年去世。該研究表明,希特勒去世時,“希特勒只剩下四顆牙齒。” 根據中醫理論,牙齒的健康狀況取決於腎臟的健康狀況,而焦慮症和恐懼傷腎。



Adolf Hitler is identified as one of most notorious figures in human history. The German dictator had marched his troops into Poland and triggered the World War II, which cost more than 50 million lives. Adolf Hitler was responsible for 11 million deaths in concentration camps.Here’s our lowdown on the reprehensible tyrant.Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-German politician who was the leader of Germany from 1933 to 1945.He committed suicide by gunshot in 1945 in Berlin. It is said that he shot himself with his service pistol.Eva Braun, his newlywed wife committed suicide with him by taking cyanide.


In a study, French scientists analyzed fragments of Adolf Hitler’s teeth to prove that he died in 1945. The published study shows that at the moment of his death, “Hitler had only four remaining teeth.” Based on TCM theory, the health condition of our teeth hinges on our kidney condition. Those who suffer from anxiety disorders and fears are more likely to lose their teeth no matter what. 


The Soviet Union presented different versions of Hitler’s death that they once alleged that Hitler was not dead, but had fled to Western countries. The dead bodies of Hitler and Eva were cremated in the chancellery garden by other survivors. A German court officially declared Hitler’s death until 1956.


Newspapers around the world reacted to reports of Hitler’s death with full-page headlines. One  newspaper wrote.”Germans put out the news everyone hopes is true



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