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約旦公主 Princess Haya 婚後分手|想走的人多,能走的人少.... - Wise Library 1985

Royal Divorce|約旦公主 Princess Haya 訴請離婚用逃的!





Princess Haya, the daughter of the late King Hussein of Jordan, married Sheikh Mohammed in 2004 and became his sixth wife. Princess Haya, the daughter of the late King Hussein of Jordan, has a close connection to the British royal family and she owns an £85m house near Kensington Palace. Being the wife of the ruler of Dubai, Haya has asked an English court for forced marriage protection in 2019.


A forced marriage protection order aims to protect a person who has been or is being forced into marriage. non-molestation orders protect people against violence or harassment by a partner, ex-partner or family member.


Princess Haya’s legal team has  Fiona Shackleton. Fiona Shackleton was the one who represented Prince Charles during his divorce from Princess Diana. The sheikh’s team includes Helen Ward QC, of Stewarts Law, who has represented Andrew Lloyd Webber, Paloma Picasso, Guy Ritchie and Bernie Ecclestone.


Princess Haya grew up in the UK and she took educations in England. She studied philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford University. Further, she has served on the International Olympic Committee. Additionally, she has been an ambassador for the United Nations world food program.



【民視全球新聞】杜拜王妃哈雅出逃英國 世紀離婚案 2019.07.14

# divorce proceedings 


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