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Netflix ‘Stranger Things’ Iconic Quotes of All Time – Wise Library 1985

It’s an American science fiction horror drama created by the Duff brothers. The story took place in the 1980s in a fictional town Hawkins   A government laboratory deals with abnormal confidential experiments, including human experimental samples.  Experimenters inadvertently opened a portal to another dimension named Upside Down, and the harm caused by this dimension start to affect the daily lives of the citizens in Hawkins Town.


# season 1
In 1983, during the Christmas period, 12-year-old boy Will Byers was taken away by a mysterious monster from the upside-down world. His bizarre disappearance attracted the attention of the local police.His three friends keep searching for his whereabouts. Ultimately, they met a little girl who seemed to come from the laboratory. Do you believe in supernatural powers?


#season 2
The story occurred in the fall of 1984 during Hallowee. Will was rescued. But he failed to shake the nightmares and his behavior began to become weird.  Will’s relatives and friends learned that  the upside-down struggle were not over yet. Will there a greater threat hidden waiting for them? 



Netflix  ‘Stranger Things’ Best Quotes of All Time

“Friends don’t lie” 

Margaret W. Lavigne: A frenemy does not amount to a friend.  A true friend would not bully you when you are vulnerable. A true friend will hug you and tell you how wonderful you are when you lose confidence in yourself. 

Trust and honesty are the fundamental elements to build connections . Eleven is raised in an abusive government facility and the only person she can count on is herself. She demands truth from her friends.

“I asked if you wanted to be my friend. And you said yes. You said yes. It was the best thing I’ve ever done.” – Mike


Margaret W. Lavigne: It’s great to find that the one you want to be with also feels the same way. It takes time to know that we don’t need to be perfect to be loved. So we can be tolerant to those around us too. 

“Make mistakes, learn from them, and when life hurts you (because it will), remember the hurt. The hurt is good. It means you’re out of that cave.” — Hopper’s advice to Eleven in season three.

“You shouldn’t like things just because people tell you you’re supposed to.” 

Margaret W. Lavigne: If you dread of being different from others, you loses your characteristic and the reason to be loved and respected  indeed. By always following the crowd, you will get disappointed at yourself sooner or later. 


“If anyone asks where I am, I’ve left the country.”  – Mike

Margaret W. Lavigne: There are times we just need to be alone. There are times we just want to be invisible so we can enjoy tranquility from solitude. Sometimes you just need time to be yourself alone so you can take good care of yourself, mentally and physically.

 “This is not yours to fix alone. You act like you’re all alone out there in the world, but you’re not. You’re not alone.” – Joyce

Margaret W. Lavigne: Exposing our weakness demands ultimate courage and trust too. 

“Do you wanna be normal? Do you wanna be just like everyone else? Being a freak is the best. I’m a freak!” – Jonathan

Margaret W. Lavigne: Most people do not want to be like everyone else, but they don’t want to be labeled as  a freak. But it’s a commonplace to be excluded if you are being different from the group. 



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