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Leonardo DiCaprio青澀時期主演的電影《邊緣日記》(The Basketball Diaries)|我試著和上帝做朋友... - Getting Closer to God's

電影《邊緣日記》(The Basketball Diaries)劇情提要:改編自詩人及傳紀作家Jim Carroll 六零年代青少年時期的日記。高中籃球隊的Jim 好友因血癌而死,性焦慮,還有讓他逃避現實的海洛因,是什麼蠶食他最初的夢想?為了吸毒,他偷竊、搶劫、賣身,被捕出獄後的他…

1995年上映,劇本,由編劇Bryan Goluboff 改編作家吉姆·卡羅爾(Jim Carrol)記錄自己吸毒的少年日記。





1.There’s always a voice in the back of your head saying just one more time and then I will quit.你大腦後方總會有一個聲音說著「再一次就好,然後我就會放棄。

2.You know something? Nobody ever does anything to be nice. They always want to get something out of it. 你知道嗎?沒有人無故對你好,他們總是想要從中得到什麼

3.I saw this girl next to me who wasn’t beautiful until she smiled. 我看見我旁邊的這個女孩,她並不美,直到她露出了微笑。

4.I’ll tell you what, if our school was this nice I would go there more than once a week.我跟你講,如果我們的學校有這麼好,我每週至少會去超過一次。

5.When I was young, about eight or so, I tried making friends with God by inviting Him to my house to watch the World Series.[4] He never showed. 當我小的時候,大約八歲上下,我試著和上帝做朋友,邀祂到我家看世界大賽,但祂從來沒有出現。

6.Time sure flies when you’re young and jerking off. 當你年少,和打手槍的時候,時間定然過得飛快。

7.Idle time is the devil’s plaything.虛度時光便成了魔鬼的玩物


▲quit v.放棄,退出,辭職

▲get something out of: achieve benefit from something. [1]

▲a sight to behold: A person or thing that is particularly worth seeing.[2]

▲I/I’ll tell you what(=tell you what):to emphasize what you are going to say.[3]

▲show v. 現身出席,出示,顯示,陳列展出

▲jerk off [片語]打手槍,自慰(=to masturbate)

▲plaything n. 玩具,玩物。延伸意思:被玩弄的人或東西。

▲idle adj. 吊兒郎當不做事。v.虛度(歲月) ,打發時間

  • idle flattery=idle compliment: 應酬的好聽話。
  • an idle rumor:毫無根據的謠言。
  • stand idle by:袖手旁觀。

[1] e.g. I will get the truth out of his diary.

[2] e.g. Gardens of Versailles was a sight to behold.

[3] e.g. I tell you what, I won’t give you another chance to hurt me.

[4] World Series (世界大賽) 是美國職棒大聯盟每年10月舉行的總冠軍賽,採7戰4勝制,獲勝方獲得世界大賽獎杯。


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