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Reflections on World War II | 第二次世界大戰的原因和結束傷害與反省.... - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985


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During World War II, over 1.9 million children evacuated from their family and some children were forced to go on the battlefield.

More than 2 million children died during the war. During wartime, too much separation, death and slaughter. Nowadays, many countries have atomic bombs.

There is a war going on. In Syrian civil war, kids are forced to work for the army. They carry guns and fight ISIS when they are young and little. Syria Military don’t have enough people, so they send children to the battlefield. The sad truth is that the local children don’t have any choice.

As to World War II,  the initiating cause of the conflict was a violation of the Versailles Treaty by Germany when Adolf Hitler attacked Poland. The Germans were irritated by the terms of the Versailles Treaty.


The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I between Germany and the Allied Powers. The treaty was very harsh against Germany, which demanded Germany to pay a huge sum of money called reparations.


The political takeover in 1933 of Germany by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party and its aggressive foreign policy is just one of the chief reasons behind the massive war. Other causes encompass 1920s-Italian-Fascism,  Japanese militarism invasion of China and so forth. 


How did World War Two start? What were the major causes of World War II? The impacts of the Treaty of Versailles following WWI,  worldwide economic depression, failure of appeasement, rise of militarism in Germany and Japan, and the failure of the League of Nations are the chief causes of World War II. 


World War 2 ended with the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers. The Allies accepted Germany’s surrender about a week after Adolf Hitler committed suicide. VE Day – Victory in Europe celebrates the end of the Second World War on 8 May 1945.





#非戰非合之冷戰時代# 區域統合 #悲劇

#7 deadly sins and unforgivable sins 

#God’s wrath, punishment  and final judgment

# Germany violated the terms of the Versailles Treaty


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