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Good Will Hunting|電影《心靈捕手》經典台詞中英對照|Inspirational Movie Quote「我懷疑你膽敢那樣愛過任何人」 - 頁2,共3 - Wise Libra


Will:This girl is like perfect right now. I don’t wanna ruin that.(在我眼裡)這女孩現在就像是完美的,我並不想破壞它。

Sean:Maybe you’re perfect right now. Maybe you don’t wanna ruin that. But I think that’s a super philosophy. That way, you can go through your entire life without ever having to really know anybody. People call these things “imperfections,” but they’re not. That’s the good stuff. And then we get to choose who we let into our weird little worlds.也許現在的你是很完美,也許你並不想破壞它。但我覺得這是一個特別好的哲理,這樣一來,你可以不用真正認識任何人就過完整個人生。人們將這些稱為「不完美」,但其實不然。「不完美」是好東西,然後我們選擇讓誰進入我們的奇異小小世界。

  • super adj. 特好的,上等的,宏偉壯麗的。英文解釋: of unusually high quality; excellent or admirably fine (e.g. a superb wine) 2. Majestic, magnificent or imposing (e.g. a superb mansion)
  • go through 經歷,穿越,把…詳細檢查一遍。英文解釋: undergo (a difficult or painful period or experience) through or examine carefully or in sequence. 3. (of a proposal or contract) be officially approved or completed.
  • question n. 問題,詢問,質問
  • ruin v.破壞,毀滅。英文解釋:to spoil or destroy something completely

But you’re a genius, Will. No one denies that. No one could possibly understand the depths of you. 但,威爾你是個天才,沒有人會否認。或許沒人能完全明白你的深度。

  • deny v. 否認
  • genius n. 天才。英文解釋: someone who is exceptionally intelligent or someone who has a strong natural talent.

That’s what intimacy is all about.Now you can know everything in the world, but the only way you’re finding out that one is by giving it a shot.親密關係就是這麼一回事。而今你可以了解世間萬物,但了解親密關係的唯一途徑便是親身嘗試。

  • find somethingout [片語] 查明(某事)
  • give it a shot [片語]: give it a try, try it
  • give it one’s best shot [片語] [非正式] :Do the best that one can.

You’re not perfect. And let me save you the suspense. This girl you met, she isn’t perfect either. But the question is whether or not you’re perfect for each other. 你並不完美,我也不吊你胃口。你遇到的那個女孩也不是完美的,但問題在於你們對彼此來說是否完美。

  • suspense n. 懸掛。延伸意思:暫時中止,暫停,懸而未決
  • keep someone in suspense:不告訴某人結果或情況讓某人懸而不安。
  • keep someone in the picture:使某人瞭解情況。英文解釋:make sure someone is notified of all the facts about a changing situation

[1] 身兼演員、編劇腳色,學生時代曾就讀劍橋唯一的公立高中Cambridge Rindge and Latin School,畢業後同年考取哈佛大學,主修英文,但因沒有修足學分而沒有完全學業。有諸多成名代表作包括《搶救雷恩大兵》、《天才雷普利》、《神鬼認證》系列、《瞞天過海》系列、《無間道風雲》和《絕地救援》等等。父親是房地產經紀人,母親是一名幼童教育學教授。在專訪中一度透露自己最敬佩的人物是自己的祖父,他表示自己的祖父是芬蘭人相當驕傲,所以從來不對任何人求助。

[2] 艾佛列克首度執導的長片《失蹤人口》(Gone Baby Gone)榮獲國家評論協會最佳導演處女作獎。而後2010年自導自編自演的作品《竊盜城》(The Town)和2012年的作品《亞果出任務》(Argo)榮獲金球獎最佳導演、英國電影學院獎最佳導演、導演協會獎最佳導演、金球獎最佳戲劇類影片、英國電影學院獎最佳影片的製片人協會獎以及奧斯卡最佳影片獎。肯定他天賦的同時也絕對不能否定他的努力。

[3] 1997年,兩人共同執筆的《心靈捕手》獲奧斯卡金像獎和金球獎的奧斯卡最佳原著劇本獎。


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