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#LifeAfterBirth |Depression After Pregnancy, Why? - Wise Library 1985


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美國內衣品牌 Knix 為此特別訪問了新手媽媽們, 90 % 因產後的身型受到評論, 76 % 感到回復產前身材的壓力,56 % 的媽媽一度患有產後抑鬱。

Women’s body undergoes hormonal changes during and after pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, her body produces the female hormones estrogen and progesterone in a higher amounts. In the first 24 hours after childbirth, these hormone levels drop rapidly back to non‐pregnant levels. Menstrual hormone changes can potentially trigger symptoms like what women go through  during and after period. In some women, low thyroid levels can cause depression or irritation, sleep problems , concentration problems and weight gain. Is there  an association between body shape satisfaction and  perinatal depression? Aside from these physical changes, new responsibilities such as the pressures to be a ideal mother,  or the pressure to lose weight,  or the frustration of losing husband’s attention, or the dissatisfaction of a wonderful sex life can be risk factors lead to postpartum depression. 


# thyroid 甲狀腺 # baby blues # postpartum psychosis

Life After Birth 相集中,母親們誠實地展示她們的橙皮紋、手術的疤痕和鬆弛的肚皮等等,這些真實的日常,其實是很多新婚女性和準備懷孕的女性都沒有看過的真實。



#LifeAfterBirth鼓勵女性以更正面的態度擁抱自身的產後身體, Joanna Griffiths 在誕下新生兒的五天後便決定發起 Life After Birth Project。他們集合了超過 250 位媽媽的照片與文字,包括三位創辦人和名人如 Christy Turlington 、 Jemima Kirke 及 Amy Schumer 等。

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