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Film 電影經典台詞|《名媛教育》| The life I want, there is no shortcut - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985


推薦電影《名媛教育》(An Education)

  • 2009年英國劇情片。
  • 改篇自英國女記者琳恩·巴柏(Lynn Barber)[1]發表在文學雜誌Granta上的同名自傳。
  • 導演:瓏·薛爾菲格(Lone Scherfig)
  • 劇中喜歡的演員和腳色對照:
  • 凱莉穆里根 Carey Mulligan:飾演珍妮(Jenny)
  • 彼得賽斯嘉 Peter Sarsgaard:飾演 大衛(David)
  • 艾爾菲摩里納Alfred Molina:飾演 傑克(Jack),珍妮的父親
  • 羅莎蒙派克Rosamund Pike:飾演 海倫(Helen),丹尼的女朋友
  • 多明尼克庫柏 Dominic Cooper:飾演 丹尼(Danny)
  • 艾瑪湯普森Emma Thompson:飾演女校長(Miss Walters)
  • 奧莉維亞威廉姆斯 Olivia Williams:飾演珍妮的老師Miss Stubbs


♣電影《名媛教育》(An Education)名言: The life I want, there is no shortcut. 我要的人生沒有捷徑。

life  n. 生活, 人生, 生命

bring to life: To regain consciousness.恢復意識,甦醒

for life: forever, for a lifetime 永遠

take one’s life: To commit suicide. 自殺

take someone’s life: To commit murder. 謀殺

shortcut n.捷徑。英文解釋: 1. a shorter or quicker way to get somewhere. 2. a method, skill or strategy that reduces the time or energy needed to accomplish something.


♣電影《名媛教育》(An Education)名言:I feel old, but not very wise.我感覺自己老了但並不是很有智慧。 

wise  adj. 睿智的,聰慧的

 wise up 明瞭,察覺,看透想通~。英文解釋:to become aware of a unknown, difficult or unpleasant fact

 wise someone up about something通知或告知某人某事,尤其是機密的事情。[2]英文解釋:to instruct or inform someone about something , especially confidential[3] information

[1] 一度在《星期日泰晤士報》工作。曾在牛津大學聖安妮學院攻讀英語語言和文學。

[2] e.g. Let me wise you up about the way we do things around here.讓你知道一下我們這裡做事情的方式。

[3] confidential adj.機密的

Headmistress: Nobody does anything worth doing without a degree.

Jenny: Nobody does anything worth doing WITH a degree. No woman anyway.

Headmistress: So what I do isn’t worth doing? Or what Miss Stubbs does, or Mrs. Wilson, or any of us here? Because none of us would be here without a degree. You do realize that, don’t you? And yes, of course studying is hard and boring…

Jenny: Boring!

Headmistress: I’m sorry?

Jenny: Studying is hard and boring. Teaching is hard and boring. So, what you’re telling me is to be bored, and then bored, and finally bored again, but this time for the rest of my life? This whole stupid country is bored! There’s no life in it, or color, or fun! It’s probably just as well the Russians are going to drop a nuclear bomb on us any day now. So my choice is to do something hard and boring, or to marry my… Jew, and go to Paris and Rome and listen to jazz, and read, and eat good food in nice restaurants, and have fun! It’s not enough to educate us anymore Ms. Walters. You’ve got to tell us why you’re doing it.

Miss Stubbs: You seem to be old and wise.

Jenny: I feel old. But not very wise.

Jack: Knowing a famous author is better than becoming one. It shows you’re connected.

Jenny: When were you going to tell me?

David: Soon, it just never seemed like the right time. You seemed so happy, and I was happy…

Jenny: You were living with your wife all this time, around the corner! Byron Avenue. It’s no wonder we kept bumping into each other, is it? What number?

David: 34. Don’t be like this, come on.

Jenny: I have nothing. I didn’t take my exams. I… I left school. Where’s it all gone now?

Jenny: One of the boys I dated, and they were boys, suggested that we go to Paris and I said I’d always wanted to see Paris. As if I’d never been!

Jack: We have to have this out. Well, if you won’t do it, I will. I’m still your father.

Jenny: You’re my father again now, are you? And what were you when you encouraged me to throw my life away? Silly schoolgirls are always getting seduced by glamorous older men, but what about you two?

An Education is set in the 1960s. The screenplay is  written by English novelist Nick Hornb. As to the story-line,  Mulligan plays Jenny, a schoolgirl in the drab London suburb of Twickenham in 1961. Jenny is being  well molded by her parents (Cara Seymour and Alfred Molina) for an Oxford education with total obedience. 

She does every effort to maximize her chances of getting into Oxford, ranged from Latin-studying and piano-playing.  One day, caught in the rain on the way home from an orchestra rehearsal, she’s offered a ride by a stranger who named David (Peter Sarsgaard) who is roughly about 15 years senior to her. David seems quite harmless  and suave at first. He is a Jewish  by the way. David takes Jenny to  art auctions and concerts.  As to Jenny, she barely know any background of David. And David, who pretends to bea lover of fine music and art, and a breaker of rules, which could be seen as an incentive to seduce naive schoolgirls. 

The smooth-talking David persuade Jenny’s parents with ease and  he spirits her away to weekends in Oxford and Paris with his buddy Danny (Dominic Cooper) and Danny’s girlfriend Helen (Rosamund Pike.  Danny and Helen live in a high-end London apartment and buy pre-Raphaelite paintings at auction…. BTW, Jenny has a loving, conservative and shortsighted Father named Jack. 

Altogether, this film can be treated as  a cautionary tales of a naive school girl seduced by a smooth-talking rake. 

# unmarried woman’s reputation # scandals # sexual relationship#  adolescent trauma# coming-of-age drama # first love  #  Lynn Barber # BAFTA  Awards # 英國影藝學院電影獎 # best actress # Carey Mulligan 凱莉·墨里根 # Peter Sarsgaard # an education movie review # wayward rebellious  romantic heroine in the novel and films 

Note: The film  is  based on story of Lynn Barber. 


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