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日本電影【鈴木家的謊言】Lying To Mom 創傷失憶有沒有可能是一種祝福? - Wise Library 1985




日本新銳導演野尻克己的執導的日本電影《鈴木家的謊言》(Lying To Mom)榮獲多項新導演獎,勇奪2018年東京影展[日本Splach單元]最佳影片大獎,細膩刻畫一個家庭如何在破碎後重生。題材:繭居族( 繭居青年) 、憂鬱症、青年自殺、親子關係、 善意的謊言等。善意謊言英文是: white lie 



▲ 被日本權威雜誌《電影旬報》評選為年度十大日本佳片第六名,《日日是好日》導演大森立嗣也大力讚賞:『不用懷疑超級棒!看見失親家庭內心裡絕望與希望。』岸部一德:『明明是悲劇,卻讓人發自內心的笑出來,喜悲的絕妙平衡讓我決定接下這角色。』。




Koichi was a “hikikomori”, a shut-in who confined his world to his room by self-isolation. He didn’t leave his own room even at mealtimes.

Yuko Suzuki (Hideko Hara) was a full-time housewife and a mother. She witnessed that her reclusive adult son Koichi (Ryo Kase) committing suicide. She wrestled with grief and the pain of losing her son was unbearable that she attempted to take her own life.

After weeks in the hospital, Yuko Suzukiawakened with no memory of her mental trauma of witnessing her son’s death and suicide.

Her daughter Fumi (Mai Kiryu) made a white lie about Koichi’s whereabouts in an effort to hide the hard truth from her mom. Yuko was delighted and relieved she was told that her son has gone to work for his uncle in Argentina. She busies herself preparing food and gifts. She even planned a holiday that the rest of the family know they would never make it. Fumi even wrote fake letters in the name of her brother. As the lies piled up, Fumi joined a grief counseling group and she found herself struggling to articulate her sense of loss…

# deals with loss in life


首映時間: 2018 年 10 月 28 日
導演: Katsumi Nojiri野尻克己
製片商: 松竹廣播
電影配樂作曲者: Akeboshi
劇本: Katsumi Nojiri, 野尻克己

演員名單:岸部一德 、 木龍麻生 、 原日出子 、 加瀨亮(Ryo Kase) 、 吉本菜穂子



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