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Inspirational Quotes in Romance Movies|只有真正快樂的男人能給予女人幸福快樂… – Wise Library 1985




這部電影的魅力應該是不離不棄的愛,又是一部玩咖男碰上真愛的故事,女主角生病了,但她被愛的價值卻沒有被否認,這應該是導演想要傳達的~這部電影的喜劇成分讓應該沉痛悲傷的電影多幾分輕鬆 (親密關係在愛情裡佔有多高的重要比例,真的見仁見智)


編導是艾德華茲維克的,舊作《昨夜情深》《真愛一世情》》(Love & Other Drugs,香港片名《愛情戀上癮》電影預告


The romantic drama is about a womanizer who falls for a woman with Parkinson’s. In the film, Jake Gyllenhaal plays Jamie, a pushy enigmatic salesman who is struggling to get doctors to prescribe Zoloft, an anti-depression medicine. Jamie is talented in flirting with women. One day he found himself is falling for Maggie, played by Anne Hathaway, a smart, intelligent woman with stage one Parkinson’s, a condition for which has no cure. 


Jamie buddies with Dr. Stan Knight (Hank Azaria), who introduces him as his intern and allows him to observe as he palpitates the breast of his patient Maggie Murdock (Anne Hathaway).  Maggie discovers the fraud and had an argument with Jamie about it. Well,  they dramatically turned out to be physically passionate about each other. 


As they spend more time together, love grows. And she ultimately confessed that Maggie and she is in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease. This episode makes the film from a comedy into a “Love Story. ” 

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