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American television sitcom|美國當紅影集《潔西駕到》|New Girl |If I could give my teenaged self any advice, i


影集《俏妞報到》(New Girl)

  • 劇本:伊莉莎白·梅莉薇瑟(Elizabeth Meriwether)
  • 女主角:柔伊·黛絲香奈(Zooey Deschanel)
  • 紀錄: 開播收視高達1028萬人次
  • 獲獎紀錄: 女主角柔伊·黛絲香奈獲得金球獎及黃金時段艾美獎的提名。

♥真實世界裡,女主角Zooey Deschanel說過很多討人喜歡的名言佳句,整理如下:

I’m a person who gets better with practice. Getting older is awesome – because you get more practice.[1]

If I could give my teenaged self any advice, it would be ‘Calm down!’

Always the aim for me is making people feel like they are not alone. That’s just the greatest feeling.

Everyone romanticizes somebody.


The Internet’s like one big bathroom wall with a lot of people who anonymously can say really mean things. It’s fine, I believe in freedom of speech and I think people should think what they want, but I don’t care to hear it.

A lot of people work out to be skinny. That’s so boring, and it seems like a depressing goal for a modern woman.

I played a lot of sarcastic, wisecracking[2] characters for a long time, and people would think that was me. And it’s very much not me, and then people would think I was being sarcastic when I wasn’t: ‘Oh, you’re making fun of me right now.’ And I wasn’t!

You don’t have to wear expensive clothes to look good.


✿I like getting older. I feel like I am finally aging into my personality. 我喜歡變老的過程,我覺得自己真的隨著歲月慢慢發展出自己的個性 。

  • fee like [片語]覺得,想做…. ðfeel like doing something (=Be inclined to do something) [3]
  • age v. 上年紀,變老,使老化。英文解釋: grow old or show signs of becoming old 2. to develop a certain quality of ripeness; become mature
  • come of age成年。英文解釋:reach a certain age that marks a transition to maturity
  • personality n.個性。英文解釋the characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character.

✿You can run away from your problems, but you’re just gonna find new ones that pop up. 你可以逃避你的問題,但你會發現新的問題又出現了 。

  • run away [片語] 逃跑,落跑。英文解釋:to flee; escape
  • pop up [片語] 突然無預期地出現。英文解釋: appear (suddenly or unexpectedly)


✿We’re weirdos. But that’s who we are. And that’s fine. 我們是怪咖,但那就是我們,而且那樣挺好的。

  • weirdo n.怪咖。英文解釋: a person whose dress or behaviour seems strange or eccentric.e.g.There are too many weirdos around the world and I am proud of being one of them.


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