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震撼!「黑色星期二」歐美演藝圈近100位藝人「純黑圖片」為黑人平權發聲 | Gimme Pop! 流行音樂

歐美電影圈、樂壇、體育界、電視圈等等名人,日前都在 IG 上發出全黑色照片,響應「黑色星期二」活動。

美國種族問題全面爆發,全美超過140座城市舉辦支持黑人平權大遊行,好萊塢藝人日前集體發動「黑色星期二」(Blackout Tuesday)運動。

近100為藝人,集體在 IG 發出「全黑圖片」,悼念被白人警察殺害的黑人 George Floyd,為黑人爭取平等對待「Black Lives Matter」(黑人的生命一樣重要)。


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


I try to live my life to answer the question, “How can I be of service?” I have spent the last few days watching, listening and reflecting about how to utilize my privilege and platform. I hope that #BlackoutTuesday gives us all (especially in the music industry) an opportunity to take what we’re learning and put it into action on Wednesday, and every day going forward. There are many ways to support the movement towards justice and equality. I’ve chosen to donate to the organizations tagged in this post. You can do the same at the link in my bio. This soon to be mother is going to work hard to make damn sure this world is a more just place for every child. Black Lives Matter

KATY PERRY(@katyperry)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 6月 月 2 日 上午 12:04 張貼

樂壇中有 Mariah Carey、Celine Dion、Katy Perry、Rihanna、Dua Lipa、Coldplay、Miley Cyrus、Demi Lovato、Camila Cabello、Zara Larsson、Ellie Goulding、Shawn Medes、Justin Timberlake、Christina Aguilera、Rita Ora、Rosalia、Chari XCX、J.Lo,等等歌手響應。

電影圈也有 Gal Gadot、Chris Hemsworth、Jennifer Aniston、Emma Watson 等等影星響應。



在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


#blackouttuesday #theshowmustbepaused #amplifymelanatedvoices #amplifyblackvoices

Emma Watson(@emmawatson)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 6月 月 2 日 上午 11:08 張貼


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