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修 正 條 文

英 譯 條 文

第十三條之一  意圖為自己或第三人不法之利益,或損害營業秘密所有人之利益,而有下列情形之一,處五年以下有期徒刑或拘役,得併科新臺幣一百萬元以上一千萬元以下罰金:







Article 13-1

Any person committing an act falling under any of the following circumstances for the purpose of an illicit gain for himself/herself or for a third person, or inflicting a loss on the holder of a trade secret shall be sentenced to a maximum of 5 years imprisonment or short-term imprisonment, in addition thereto, a fine between NT$1 million and NT$10 million may be imposed:

1.      Acquiring a trade secret by an act of theft, embezzlement, fraud, threat, unauthorized reproduction, or other wrongful means, or using or disclosing a trade secret so acquired.

2.      Committing an unauthorized reproduction, usage, or disclosure of a trade secret known or possessed.

3.      Failing to delete or destroy a possessed trade secret as the trade secret holder orders, or disguising it.

4.      Any person knowingly acquires, uses or discloses a trade secret known or possessed by others is under circumstances prescribed in the preceding 3 subparagraphs.

An attempt to commit a crime specified in the preceding paragraph is punishable.

In case a fine is to be imposed, if the gain obtained by the offender exceeds the maximum fine, such fine may be increased within the extent of 3 times of the gain.

第十三條之二  意圖在外國、大陸地區、香港或澳門使用,而犯前條第一項各款之罪者,處一年以上十年以下有期徒刑,得併科新臺幣一百萬元以上五千萬元以下之罰金。



Article 13-2

Any person committing a crime prescribed in the first paragraph of the preceding article for the purpose of using the trade secret in foreign jurisdictions, mainland China, Hong Kong, or Macau shall be sentenced to imprisonment between 1 year and 10 years, in addition thereto, a fine between NT$1 million and NT$50 million may be imposed.

An attempt to commit a crime specified in the preceding paragraph is punishable.

In case a fine is to be imposed, if the gain obtained by the offender exceeds the maximum fine, such fine may be increased within the extent of 2 to 10 times of the gain.

第十三條之三  第十三條之一之罪,須告訴乃論。



Article 13-3

Prosecution for a crime specified in Article 13-1 may be instituted only upon a complaint.

The filing or withdrawal of a complaint against one of several co-offenders shall not be considered to be a filing or withdrawal of a complaint against the others.

In case a civil servant or a former civil servant who knows or possesses others’ trade secrets within the scope of his/her authority or employment and intentionally commits a crime prescribed in the preceding 2 articles shall be sentenced to the punishment prescribed for such an offense by increasing it up to one half.

第十三條之四  法人之代表人、法人或自然人之代理人、受雇人或其他從業人員,因執行業務,犯第十三條之一、第十三條之二之罪者,除依該條規定處罰其行為人外,對該法人或自然人亦科該條之罰金。但法人之代表人或自然人對於犯罪之發生,已盡力為防止行為者,不在此限。

Article 13-4

Where the representative of a juristic person, the agent, employee or any other staff of a juristic person or natural person commits any of the crimes prescribed in Article 13-1 or 13-2 in the course of business, not only the actor, but the juristic person or the natural person shall be punished with the fine prescribed in the Article. However, if the representative of a juristic person or natural person has done his/her utmost to prevent a crime from being committed, the juristic person or natural person shall not be punished.





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