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謝孟媛初級文法III Unit2 附加問句 - Retire Note

謝孟媛初級文法III Unit2 附加問句



  • 附加問句
    • 附加問句的形式
  • 特別注意的附加問句
    • (1)am和not 沒有縮寫形,附加問句用 am I not,are’nt I或ain’t I代替
    • (2)直述句若是There is(are)~的句型,附加問句用isn’t(are’nt) there回應
    • (3)直述句中有have/has/had的附加問句
    • (4)直述句中含有否定字,如:no, nothing, never, seldom, little, few等,要用肯定附加問句
    • (5)直述句中有too~to…(太~而不能),用否定附加問句
    • (6)直述句主詞是something, anything, nothing, everything時,附加問句的主詞用it;若主詞是someone, anyone, no one, eberyone時,附加問句的主詞用they。
    • (7)當主要子句和附屬子句出現時,根據主要子句形成附加問句
    • (8) 主要子句是I(或we) know/think/believe/imageine/guess/hear…等,根據that形成附加問句
    • (9) 感嘆句用否定附加問句,主詞仍與感嘆句主詞一致
    • (10)祈使句的附加問句


第35課 講義初級文法III P14


(例1) You are from Japan, are'nt you?

=Are you from Japan

=>Yes, I am. / No. I'm not.


(例1) You should follow traffic rules, should'nt you?





直述句 附加問句
be動詞 be動詞
一般動詞 助動詞 do, does, did
助動詞(will, can, should) 助動詞(will, can, should)


直述句主詞 附加問句主詞
John he
Amy she
Tom and Mary they
this, that it
baby, child it
不定詞(to V),動名詞(Ving) it

(例1) It's cold and humid, isn't it?

(例2) Dad was good at sports, wasn't he? (*was good at 精通)

(例6) Eating too much junk food isn't good for health, is it?

(例7) That baby fell asleep, didn't it?


(1)am和not 沒有縮寫形,附加問句用 am I not,are'nt I或ain't I代替

(例1) I am the right man for the job, am I not?

are'nt I?

ain't I?

(2)直述句若是There is(are)~的句型,附加問句用isn't(are'nt) there回應

(例1) There is an old man jogging in the playground, isn't there?

(例2) There are not any pedestrians in the street, are there?

There are no pedestrians in the street, are there?

(*pedestrians 行人)

第36課 講義初級文法III P17


  • have/has+過去分詞=>have/has為助動詞
  • had better(最好)+原形動詞=>had 為助動詞

(例1) We have to finish the work by ourselves, don't we?

(例2) He's fond of pop music, isn't he?

(例3) He's decided to quit smoking, hasn't he?

(例4) Mary and her friends had a very good time, didn't they?

(例5) You had better keep silent in the meeting.

(* have fun/ enjoy oneself)

(*keep 1.形, 2.後面碰到動詞用Ving)

(4)直述句中含有否定字,如:no, nothing, never, seldom, little, few等,要用肯定附加問句

(例1) There is nothing wrong with your cell phone, is there?

(例2) I never tell lies to others, do I?


(例1) You are too young to have the right to vote, are'nt you?

(6)直述句主詞是something, anything, nothing, everything時,附加問句的主詞用it;若主詞是someone, anyone, no one, eberyone時,附加問句的主詞用they。

(例1) something bad happened to the student, didn't it?

(例2) someone took my notebook without asking me first, didn't they?

第37課 講義初級文法III P19


(例2) Many readers thought that it was an interesting novel, didn't they?

(8) 主要子句是I(或we) know/think/believe/imageine/guess/hear...等,根據that形成附加問句

(例3) I don't think (that) we can spend so much money on clothes, [can we]()?

(9) 感嘆句用否定附加問句,主詞仍與感嘆句主詞一致

(例1) What a kind man he is, isn't he?

(例2) How interesting this comic book is, isn't it?


祈使句 附加問句
肯定祈使句 will you?
否定祈使句 will you?
邀請祈使句(Have~) won't you?
Let's... shall we?
Let us/ me/ him... will you?
Let's not.../ Don't let's... all right? / OK?

(例1) Tell me what to do, will you?

(例2) Don't turn off the light, will you?

(例3) Have a cup of tea, won't you?

(例4) Let's call it a day, shall we?

(例5) Let us give you a hand, will you?

(例6) Let's not talk in English, all right?




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