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1124火箭隊GO預告佔領全球所有補給站、限時特殊調查 – 湯姆群情報站




2019年11月24日 11:00 – 13:00

– GO火箭隊手下接管所有補給站
– Willow 博士的限時特殊調查


培訓師:我們截獲了來自GO火箭隊的消息,表明他們正計劃接管更多的《神奇寶貝》,並捕獲更多的《神奇寶貝》!很快您所在地區的Team GO Rocket活動將會增加,我們相信這將不是最後一次。如果類似的事情再次發生,我們將分享我們收到的所有其他攔截消息!



2019年11月24日星期日,您當地時區的11:00 am至1:00 pm。睜大你的眼睛…

GO Rocket Grunts團隊在接管期間接管了所有 PokéStop!

由Willow教授設計的獨家現場研究任務,可幫助我們收集有關GO Rocket團隊的更多信息。

戰鬥團隊GO火箭兵,收集神秘零件,製作火箭雷達,並儘可能多地擊敗GO火箭隊長!請記住,在您製作出第一個Rocket Radar之後,您將可以在商店中購買更多Rocket Radar!
完成上述任務,在“暗中隱身的特殊研究”方面取得進展,它將直接帶您前往喬瓦尼的GO Rocket Boss團隊!
請務必與#TeamGORocket在社交媒體上與我們分享您的發現(和勝利!)。有關如何擊敗Team GO Rocket領導者的提示和技巧,請選擇接收我們的推送通知和電子郵件!


Trainers,We’ve intercepted messages from Team GO Rocket that indicate they’re planning to take over more PokéStops and capture more Pokémon! There will be an increased amount of Team GO Rocket activity in your area soon, and we’re sure this won’t be the last time. We’ll share any other intercepted messages we receive if something like this happens again!

Sources seem to point to the following information.

The increased activity is set to happen on…

Sunday, November 24, 2019, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in your local time zone.Keep your eyes peeled for…

Team GO Rocket Grunts taking over every PokéStop for the duration of the take-over!
Exclusive Field Research tasks designed by Professor Willow to help us gather more information on Team GO Rocket.

Your mission:Battle Team GO Rocket Grunts, collect Mysterious Components, craft Rocket Radars, and defeat the Team GO Rocket Leaders as many times as you can! Remember—after you craft your first Rocket Radar, you’ll be able to purchase additional Rocket Radars in the shop!
Complete the tasks above to make progress on the Special Research Looming in the Shadows, which will lead you straight to the Team GO Rocket Boss, Giovanni!
Be sure to share your findings (and victories!) with us on social media with #TeamGORocket. For tips and tricks on how to defeat the Team GO Rocket Leaders, opt in to receiving our push notifications and emails!

We’re counting on you to help us investigate and take down those pesky Grunts, Team GO Rocket Leaders, and Giovanni. Let’s GO!—The Pokémon GO team

Posted in 寶可夢Pokemon GO最新資訊


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