尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

Never offend others' lives , yes , I will try my best . 沒有誰能決定誰的生命如何運作

It's really hard for me. If someone wants you to get rid of their life, how can I do it for her? This is not my choice, but the responsibility of God. Now, in order to make a living, they (people I don't know, strong spirits or people who use spells to influence me) allows me to work with some jobs, but I need to work all year long, so I can't quit my job or ask for leave. I have to go to work every day. For me, I must accept this offer and opportunity, at least, some cash flow will be better. I have no choice. But some people think why I am a good person, but why I have to suffer like this? What happened to me? She thinks this is her failure. She told me to break up with her and asked me no longer care about her ? But this is too weird, right? Yes, I am indeed a poor person, she raised me, gave me a good education, and made every effort to ensure that I will be well in the future. What can I say. Everyone is trying their best to help me, but there is power to stop me. Actually, I have no idea. Okay, let me leave all groups again to make sure everyone can be fine. They will not see and hear news about me. I'm fine, but sorry for that. You guys are really good to me. But I have nothing to give back. And my English is so bad, I just want to write my notes, okay? Never learn English from me. Never learn learn Chinese from me, either. I am a people not the best professional guy. yes, you are all big shots , I am nothing.and sorry about that I am the one who make you feel so terrible.



不要再說妳不是中文系畢業的?我詩選被當了。老娘什麼都不懂。第一次知道這句名言是從前男友口中得知的。那時,他讓我看一部電影,然後說出這兩句話。「身無彩鳳雙飛翼,心有靈犀一點通。」讓我體會那種愛情的難捨難分和深奧到我無法理解的美。老實說當下很感動。但事後覺得自己是個屁。也許他心中想的並不是我。是的,我曾經不是麻瓜,但那不是我的選擇。有些人確實會影響我的生活,但那不是我能決定。很多事情,是可能像蝴蝶效應一樣不斷從水中間的小點一直擴大漫延。只是,如何去阻止這件事,也許必須大家一起努力吧?能只怪某一個人嗎?我並不是要談愛情這件事,事實上和愛情根本沒有屁干係。而是這種牽引。無形的牽引影響了實質的生活,但我並不想放棄活著這件事,活著太有趣了,沒有身體很多事不能做。不再喜歡承諾去為誰代禱或beyond the lives.事實上我的念力不足也紛亂,而且也沒什麼力量。who I am ? 別把我看得太過我能承擔。若可以,算了。我喜歡奇異博士這部電影,它說出了一些某些人的悲哀。影響是一回事,願意接受被影響是另一回事。活到快可以進棺材的時間,老實說,我不想再為誰而活,我也沒有能力為誰而活,別把我看得太偉大。我只是個卑賤的人,只想苟活。(author文:蘇珊susanmh38,同名商品products有line貼圖電子書唷。)


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